The World, The Flesh, and The Devil - Week 2
At the heart of this series is a desire for honesty. Sin is about deceit and confusion, while Jesus is about truth and honesty. As people who follow Jesus, we want to be honest about the world we live in, the obstacles we face, the sin we participate in, and how that relates to our desire to follow Jesus. Today we look at how the systems of the world tempt, test, and promise us a life that it can’t provide. We will contrast that with Jesus and ask if he can provide what he has promised.
We look again today to Matthew 4:1-11. More than anything, this passage shows us who Jesus really is and who we are, who the world is, and who Satan is. As we journey through the series we will look at Jesus in light of us (the flesh), the world, and the devil to reveal where we have trusted God in the midst of our testing but also to reveal where we have given in.